
Two Choices

Two Choices.....

In my adult life, nothing has "stopped me in my tracks" like losing my sister.  It is like my world stopped spinning, however  the rest of the world around me has continued on.   
Although it seems completely selfish...I sometimes find myself feeling a bit angry that people can move on and I feel stuck.  How can they go on being happy when I am so sad?  The good news?  In all this?  It only last a second....which for me is promising.  I know that it is time to get moving again.  Not only do I have a household to run, and children to "run around"...lol, I have a life I need to be living.  I have two choices....

Stay put, or get going.

Ok now its been two weeks since 
I wrote that above......To be honest I have had days that I really did get going.... lunch with friends, a little shopping, working with a big client on a current project....and there have been days where I just stayed PUT!!!!  It sounds so easy above, but the reality of grief really is one step at a time.  I have a dear friend who is really wanting me to start working out again....and although I miss it and know how good I would feel doing it again...when the alarm goes beep, it is just so easy to turn it off :)  I know she will continue to keep trying and I am sure that I will find the motivation again to do it.  For now a walk at least two times a week is the goal, and having you all reading might just be the push I need to make the better choice.  So off for a walk I go.....(but before I do that :)

I just have to share something that might make you smile...
I once had a friend tell me that when you reach 40...you feel like your body stops acting like it use too.  It always made me smile...but I have found there to be some truth in it!  My feet hurt!  And other things seems to be...well falling apart!  So for those of you a bit farther ahead in birthdays...
are shoe inserts, more expensive facial creams, trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and food allergies...normal?  If so... 40 might might be more challenging then I thought...lol.  

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